Greetings Fellow Archers! I am Dame Rebecca Redarrow Royal Archer for the Kingdom of the West. I will be your faithful servant in maintaining your Current Rankings, along with the web minister of this site, Forester Muldonny.
I am assisted by Lady Arnóra Úlfsdóttir Archery Scorekeeper for the Kingdom of the West.
Please let me know if:
- Your name is listed twice with slightly different spellings, scores can be combined.
- Your name is listed with missing/misspelled information, wrong local group or you'd like to add your honorific (Sir, Lady, etc.)
- If you think you should be listed but your name is missing.
Archery Ranks- |
- Your Official Rank is determined by the average of your highest 3 Royal Round Scores in a consecutive 12 month span (except for
Child and Middling divisions which use the 2 highest).
- If you shoot in multiple bow divisions, your Official Rank is your highest rank in all bow types you shoot. Example: If you shoot Archer
in Period Handbow and Bowman in Open Handbow, then your Official rank is Bowman.
- This official rank will never go down. Note that your rank in the Current List will show you how you have been shooting in the most recent
past 12 months and this may go down, but it is not your “official” rank.
- You may earn separate ranks in the 4 Bow Divisions, your highest of these will be your Official Rank.
To see your rank in
specific bow divisions click on the list for that bow division. Example: Period Bow List will show your rank for that bow type.
- You may earn ranks in each age division.
- The rank colors correspond to the colors of the rings on the standard FITA target used for the two Open Bow Divisions. Example: The rank
of Bowman is the color blue, which means the arrows averaged hitting the blue ring.
- The rankings are continuously updated, usually within 48 hours of submission, and you can look at all of your scores, including those from
prior competition years.
- To view the rank names, colors and point ranges, see the Official Rank Link under each age division. You can click here to go directly to
adult ranks: Adult Official Ranks
This will show an adult shooter's highest rank across all bow divisions.
- To view the rank badge images, click here: Rank Badges
- To view the youth & past champion badge images, click here: Youth
& Past Champions Badges
- Historical Notes -
- In 2016 West Kingdom switched to keeping scores in a continuous 12-month period.
- Scores for the years 2010 through 2015 were recorded as separate years and can be viewed under Royal Rounds/Previous Shoots.
- Scores from these older shoots are used to determine official ranks.
- There are no known records of scores before 2010. In addition, ranks and Royal Round rules have changed which makes scores before 2010
invalid for our current format.
What is a Royal Round? |
A Royal Round, in the West Kingdom, consists of four ends of shafts or bolts. This competition is used to determine your rank proficiency in target archery. For Adult and Teen, age divisions - age 13 and over, the distances and times are:
- 6 shafts/bolts (no time limit) at 40 yards
- 6 shafts/bolts (no time limit) at 30 yards
- 6 shafts/bolts (no time limit) at 20 yards
- a 30-second timed shoot at 20 yards (as many shafts/bolts as you can shoot in the 30 seconds)
Please note that the distances for Child and Middling age divisions are different. See below.
Note about Age and Bow Divisions:
Age divisions and bow divisions are modeled from the Society IKAC rules, except that in the West we have changed the names of the youth age groups:
- IKAC "Yeoman" age division is called "Teen" in the West.
- IKAC "Youth" age division is called "Middling" in the West.
- IKAC "Children age division is called "Child" in the West.
We try to keep these rules updated to the current IKAC standards. This includes the criteria for what is a period bow and period crossbow, however, the IKAC rules change from time to time. If you find that the division age or bow descriptions or requirements are different for the IKAC, use the current IKAC division rules for the West Kingdom Royal Rounds and report the difference to the Royal Archer: Dame Rebecca Redarrow.
Age Divisions-
Age as of Feb 1. of that shooting season. The Youth (Child, Middling, Teen) may finish that shooting season in the age group they were in on Feb. 1 or may choose to move up on their birthday.
Note: There are no bow divisions for youth.
- (A) Child- age 9 and under - White Rectangle around arrow on Rank badge
The Child Division is open to all children age 9* years and under. Participants in the Child Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age of the youth must be specified when sending in a score report. The target used in the Child Division is the same as the Adult Open Handbow. The rules are the same as in the Adult Open Division, except that the distances are:
20 yards, 15 yards and 10 yards.
Ranks are given based on an average of the best *** 2 *** Royal Rounds in a 12 month span.
*Children who shoot a score of 100 or above must move to the Middling Division the following season, but may finish the current season in this division.
- (B) Middling - age 10 through 12 - Gray Rectangle around arrow on Rank badge
The Middling Division is open to all youth age 10 through 12* years. Participants in the Middling Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age of the youth must be specified when sending in a score report. The target used in the Middling Division is the same as the Adult Open Handbow. The rules are the same as in the Adult Open Division, except that the distances are:
30 yards, 20 yards and 15 yards.
Ranks are given based on an average of the best *** 2 *** Royal Rounds in a 12 month span.
*Middlings who shoot a score of 120 or above must move to the Teen Division the following season, but may finish the current season in this division.
- (C) Teen - age 13 through 15 - Black Rectangle around arrow on Rank badge
The Teen Division is open to all children age 13 through 15* years. Participants in the Teen Division may shoot with either bows or crossbows. The age of the youth must be specified when sending in a score report. The target used in the Teen Division is the same as the Adult Open Handbow. The rules are the same as in the Adult Open Division, the distances are the same as adults:
40 yards, 30 yards and 20 yards. Ranks are given based on an average of the best 3 Royal Rounds in a 12 month span.
*Teens who shoot a score of 140 or above must move to the Adult Division the following season, but may finish the current season in this division.
- Adult – Age 16 and up
See adult rules, distances are: 40-30-20.
Ranks are given based on an average of the best 3 Royal Rounds in a 12 month span..
Bow Divisions for Adults age 16 and older-
- Open Handbow Division
In the Open Handbow Division, recurves and longbows, both period and modern, may compete using the current SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook. There is no poundage limit. The rounds and general rules are the same for all Divisions. Arrows must be wood or bamboo. Fletchings should be real feathers or other period materials. Archers using metal, carbon fiber or other modern shaft materials, or plastic fletchings may shoot for fun, at the marshal's discretion, but their scores may not be submitted.
- Open Crossbow Division
Both modern and period style crossbows may compete using the current SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook in the Open Crossbow Division. Crossbows may compete only in the crossbow Divisions. There is no limit to the number of bolts that may be shot in the speed ends. The target and scoring are the same as in the Open Division.
- Period Handbow Division
The main intent of the Period Division is to encourage the use and construction of gear with a more period appearance in our SCA archery. Only period style longbows or recurves may compete using the guidelines in the current SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook. They may still be shot in the Open Division as well.
Release Aids: Archers may use any period style release appropriate for their bow, but are not required to do so. For example, an archer may use a glove or tab instead of a thumb ring while shooting an Eastern style bow.
Strings: Modern string materials are allowed, as well as period materials. Please exercise caution for a period material string.
Arrow Rests: Non period arrow rests are not allowed. Built in full or partial windows are not allowed. However, a protruding rest resulting from layers of leather or other period materials, added to the handle is allowed.
Nockng Points: See the standard SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook.
Sights: Placement of sighting marks on bow limbs are not allowed for the Period Division.
Arrow Nocks: Nocks shall be either self or reinforced self, or period style inset nocks, for wood, bamboo or reed arrows. They may be of any materials that are similar in appearance to period materials and also similar in style. Plastic nocks are not allowed for period handbow division.
- Period Crossbow Division
Only period style crossbows may compete using the standard SCA Target Archery Marshal’s Handbook in this Division. The crossbow may be shot from any position. But the crossbow may be held only by the hands, not on a sandbag, etc. Slings are not allowed for shooting, but may be used to carry the crossbow. The target and scoring are the same as in the Period Division. There is no limit to the number of bolts in the speed ends.
- Open Division Targets for both handbows and crossbows
The Open Division target for both the Open Handbow and Open Crossbow Divisions is a 60 cm, FITA, five color face target. Scoring is: Gold=5, Red=4, Blue=3, Black=2, White=1. Lines count as the higher score. Arrows passing through, falling out, or bouncing off the target face count as three points.
NOTE: At the request of several Inter-Kingdom shooters, archers are now allowed to also use 60 cm FITA field face in black and gold targets if they wish.
Scoring is on the honor system: you may count and record your own score.
- Period Division Targets for both handbows and crossbows
The Period Division target, is a 60 cm. three color. The five color, FITA, 60 cm. target may be used for the Period Divisions except that the scoring is different. The scoring is: White through blue = 2 points, red and outer gold = 4 points, inner gold = 8 points. Four points are given for a pass through or bounce off.
Those archers wishing to shoot a more period looking target are encouraged to use the period face white = 2 points, green = 4 points, gold = 8 points. Four points are given for a pass through or bounce off. Scoring is on the honor system: you may count and record your own score.
For more details on targets, age or bow division please see the current IKAC rules which can be found here: Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition |
What scores may be reported?
- There are 4 types of competitions that have scores that can be recorded on this site. They are listed below.
- Scores can be recorded from Official Events and Official Practices
- The shoot (event or practice) must meet these requirements:
- The shoot must be properly advertised.
- The shoot must be open to the populace.
- The shoot must be supervised by a warranted target archery marshal.
Scores may be posted from official SCA events and from published, sanctioned local practices. Events, should be published in The Page and in other normal ways, such as social media sites. Practices should be sanctioned by an active, local group (shire, canton, barony, etc.), and published in that group's normal calendar and/or media pages, (social media, print or both). Events and practices should be supervised by a warranted target archery marshal. Insure that your event or practice is also covered by SCA Insurance.
*****You may NOT submit scores from impromptu practices, private events, or any shoot that does not meet the requirements listed above.
Reportable competition types-
- RR - Royal Round
- SSAC - Society Seasonal Archery Challenge
- IKAC - Inter Kingdom Archery Competition
- IKCAC - Inter Kingdom Combat Archery Competition
- GAT - Grand Archery Tournament (most novelty shoots can be entered here)
(GATs are events only, may not be shot at a practice)
Shoot as many rounds as you want at a published event or practice. The event's scorekeeper or marshal should submit your scores for each day, for each type of bow you use, for each type of competition that you shoot. Example: At a practice you might shoot 2 Royal Rounds and an SSAC.
- The IKAC contains two Royal Rounds and the scores from one IKAC may be submitted for both an IKAC and 2 Royal Rounds. There is a box to
check when entering the IKAC to allow this to automatically be recorded.
- The GAT is an "event" by definition and may not be shot or recorded from a practice.
What shows up in the reports? |
Since this is an interactive database, the reports are many and awesome. The complete lists show everyone kingdom wide or region-wide by bow type and adult or youth divisions. You can also look at every archer in a specific barony, shire, or canton. |
In rank lists, by clicking on the number next to an archer`s name, a list of all shoots in the database for that archer appears. These can be sorted by date, shoot name, marshal, highest scores at the various distances, and total RR scores. In addition, there is a line that shows the archer`s potential highest score. You can retrieve scores older than a year...they are never lost, even though they are not included in the calculation of the current rankings. |
How do scores get submitted? |
Warranted Marshals or Designated Scorekeepers may submit scores directly to this page. If you are a marshal and want to use this site, please email me. If you are a practicing group's designated scorekeeper, you may also email me to request access. |
What is the 'Easy to Remember' address for this site? |
Other useful
In Service to all Archers in the West, |
Dame Rebecca Redarrow
Royal Archer, Kingdom of the West |