The Inter-Kingdom Combat Archery Competition (IKCAC) is a target competition shot with combat gear, a minimum of gauntlets and helm, which provides the combat archer of the SCA with an opportunity to compete with other archers from all Kingdoms of the Known World. It provides an SCA wide standard of comparison for combat archery skills. It additionally affords those who might be curious, a way to get the feel of Combat Archery.
Welcome to the IKCAC!!! |
Rules, AND target have been changed with the goal of being easier and faster to score, set up, maintain, and craft!
Please welcome two new Deputies: Brian Clark, and Loegaire Mac Lochlainn!
The season is currently slated for Feb. 1 - Dec. 1. There will be prizes for two divisions for adult: handbow and crossbow. There is also a new youth division for 12 and younger, as well as a prize!
Please stay tuned as we continue, and get ready to submit those scores starting February 1st!
*** please note that Score Keeper Lord Cameron de Grey may have a score, but selectively opts out of ranking or prizes. |
The **UPDATED** rules are available for the IKCAC season
What is the easy to remember address? |
Well you always have the option of bookmarking almost any page. But, the easy to remember address for this site is:
Shoot with honor,
If your not having fun your doing it wrong. |
Lord Cameron de Grey |
Keeper of the IKCAC |