Current Averages with Period Bow

Here is a list of all people who have a current score/average with Period Bow in the IKAC - Adult 2017 , and any rank they would have based on that score/average. Note: if ranks are given this is *not* their Official Rank, only the rank based on the current score/average.

The Scorekeeper last approved scores for this shoot on: 12/10/17

  Name Kingdom Group Weapon Current
1 Alaricus Simmonds An Tir An Tir - Dragon`s Laire Period Bow 254.0
2 Konrad von Alpirsbach Outlands Outlands - Caer Galen Period Bow 246.0
3 Ryryd ap Gwerstan Artemisia Artemisia - Loch Salann Period Bow 204.0
4 Godai Katsunaga Atlantia Atlantia - Bright Hills Period Bow 198.0
5 Wintherus Alban Lochac Lochac - Politarchopolis Period Bow 196.0
6 Rupert the Unbalanced Trimaris Trimaris - Tri Os Period Bow 194.0
7 Sigmund Spelmann Lochac Lochac - Politarchopolis Period Bow 184.0
8 Mika Longbow Outlands Outlands - Unser Hafen Period Bow 184.0
9 Kerttu Katariinantytär Roisko Drachenwald Drachenwald - Aarnimetsä Period Bow 184.0
10 Ubertino Nicolai di Fara San Martino Outlands Outlands - Caer Galen Period Bow 166.0
11 Jamil al`Wadi Outlands Outlands - Caerthe Period Bow 164.0
12 Roderick de Graham Calontir Calontir - Vatavia Period Bow 158.0
13 Szebastian Greenbow Lochac Lochac - Mordenvale Period Bow 158.0
14 Ygraine of Kellswood East East - Carolingia Period Bow 154.0
15 Gregge the Archer Atlantia Atlantia - Roxbury Mill Period Bow 148.0
16 Leif of Crescent Moon Calontir Calontir - Loch Bheathrock Period Bow 148.0
17 Li Kung Lo East East - Carolingia Period Bow 148.0
18 Gustav Lochac Lochac - Politarchopolis Period Bow 146.0
19 Seamus McRay Atlantia Atlantia - Bright Hills Period Bow 146.0
20 Thorwulf Bjornsson An Tir An Tir - Fjordland Period Bow 130.0
21 Vallittu Drachenwald Drachenwald - Hukka Period Bow 128.0
22 Patrick of the Quiet Woods Outlands Outlands - Caerthe Period Bow 126.0
23 Jean the Hornmaster Lochac Lochac - St Florian de la Riviere Period Bow 126.0
24 Bernard Outlands Outlands - Dragonsspine Period Bow 124.0
25 Robin the Scarlett of Ambledune Lochac Lochac - Politarchopolis Period Bow 114.0
26 Naran Numuchi Atlantia Atlantia - Ponte Alto Period Bow 114.0
27 Raisa Zaplatskaya Outlands Outlands - Dragonsspine Period Bow 114.0
28 Kezia von Holzenhaus Calontir Calontir - Lonely Tower Period Bow 112.0
29 Saoirse Inghean Ui Ruaic An Tir An Tir - Adiantum Period Bow 110.0
30 Thomas of Salisbury An Tir An Tir - Dragon`s Laire Period Bow 109.0
31 Sigmund Gabrielis Lochac Lochac - Dragons Bay Period Bow 108.0
32 Eynon Llangenydd Calontir Calontir - Grimfells Period Bow 106.0
33 Plachoya Sobaka Ansteorra Ansteorra - Shadowlands Period Bow 106.0
34 Havelok Outlawe Lochac Lochac - Politarchopolis Period Bow 102.0
35 Ragnvaldr of Rendlesham Outlands Outlands - Aarquelle Period Bow 94.0
36 Thomas O Caerdyf Lochac Lochac - Aneala Period Bow 92.0
37 Morgan Kynith Outlands Outlands - Caerthe Period Bow 84.0
38 Ailinn Shadowfox Outlands Outlands - Hawk`s Hollow Period Bow 80.0
39 Dunkr Ormstunga Artemisia Artemisia - Loch Salann Period Bow 76.0
40 Owain the Younger Calontir Calontir - Lonely Tower Period Bow 76.0
41 Theodora van Zeeland An Tir An Tir - Fjordland Period Bow 74.0
42 Wulfric of Maldon Lochac Lochac - Rowany Period Bow 68.0
43 Eorann O`Connor Outlands Outlands - Dragonsspine Period Bow 68.0
44 Lucas Drachenwald Drachenwald - Aarnimetsä Period Bow 66.0
45 Olivia Scarritt Calontir Calontir - Loch Bheathrock Period Bow 62.0
46 Elzebeth Drachenwald Drachenwald - Aarnimetsä Period Bow 60.0
47 Osmond de Berwic East East - Stonemarche Period Bow 60.0
48 Antti Drachenwald Drachenwald - Aarnimetsä Period Bow 46.0
49 ((Shane Morrison)) Lochac Lochac - Rowany Period Bow 46.0
50 Sorcha inghean ui Bhradagain Lochac Lochac - Dragons Bay Period Bow 46.0
51 Mirabelle Galatly Lochac Lochac - River Haven Period Bow 40.0
52 Robin of Twyford Lochac Lochac - River Haven Period Bow 38.0
53 ((John Pearce)) Lochac Lochac - Rowany Period Bow 38.0
54 ((Dee Nelson)) Lochac Lochac - Rowany Period Bow 12.0

This page and data has been provided by the SCA Scores website at
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